Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Year in Review-Part 1

Since this blog is being started just a few hours before 2009 I am gonna post my 2008 memories here just as a quick review. It was an interesting roller coaster of a year to say the least but career wise, NOTHING CHANGED. I need to write more. I am gonna start small with this blog and see where it takes me. For those of you who know me well you know I don't hold back much and I intend to be my complete self on here. i guess that's a warning for those of you I have met recently or who think they know me. So if you don't want me to use your real name or if you think I am revealing too much about your life please let me know. Enjoy my ramblings.


Vics b-day celebration in Princeton with Conti’s, Thomas sweet, playoff football and Sweeny Todd: This was at the beginning of the year so I don't remember it with fabulous detail. I know Green Bay was playing and it was snowing during their game. I remember Vic, Char and Kory loved the movie and I wasn't as impressed. It was so crowded that the 4 of us couldn't sit together. Is this the nite we all squeezed onto Chars couch to watch Saw 3 and Vic left because it was too scary? Probably not-that was probably 07 but its a fun memory anyway! I unfortunately remember my 1st Thomas Sweet experience---luckily it didn't hook me too bad, I think I only went once or twice after that, but good stuff. I love our B-day tradition, at least we know we will be getting together three times a year....January, June and November....Remember to schedule flights to Jersey from Argentina Vic!

Valentines Day HELL-I think this was another one of those "Lets just give it one more shot" trips with The EX. We had seen each other the end of '07 and had a great week, probably one of our best, and thought 'ok lets see if we can keep this going'...the We met up in Baltimore, when he got there he was pissy and coming down with a cold. There was no welcome hug or pleasantries. It was more of the good old welcome I experienced in Virginia when he would come home and just nod at me, grab a beer and sit at the far end of the couch and take over the remote. I had bought 3 gifts for him, even though I knew the previous years he worked the 'I don't believe in Valentines day, its a hallmark holiday, they just want people to spend money" excuse. He got me nothing, no card, no "We don't need Valentines day-I love you all the time" BS. To say the least it was an ugly trip of fighting, no touching, no sex, no love....another wake up call that I needed but that of course did not push me away completely. I guess I will have to do a catch up story on "The EX" some time in the future----7 years of ups and downs...mostly downs.

EAGLES ACADEMY!! Kris and I signed up for Eagles academy for women...we went to the Nova Car Complex where the birds practice and hold all press conferences and meetings. They took us to the practice field, made us do obstacle coarse, throw and catch passes and kick a field goal. I was damn proud I kicked mine in!!! We had a chance to meet and learn from Sean Considine and AJ Feely and they fed us the same stuff the boys eat. It was a very exciting and memorable experience!!! I LOVE MY EAGLES!

The cave trip---So in April after two months of it being over again with THE EX, and us agreeing to disagree on the Valentine trip, (he claimed he was sick and I was being insensitive for not wanting to stay in the room watching tv 24/7 with him and that the girl at the bar was just being friendly, not blatantly flirting with him in front of me etc etc) he talked me into seeing him "ONE MORE TIME" for his birthday, but just as a friend. Another BAD IDEA. We met up with a friend I had met through work and The EX and him had a common bond in music which I did not share...I didn't hate his music, I guess I wasn't well educated on it but these two were and they hit it off. We went to a small bar with a DJ and I sat talking to strangers while those two talked music---for 4 the end of those 4 hours its 2am and I am bored out of my mind, but its his birthday so I tell him I am just gonna go out in the car and take a nap. He just nods. So I go out in the car and fall asleep, an hour later I wake up and go back in and they are gone...but I drove so where could they be. Turns out they left with some couple to score some Coke, and I am not talking about soda. Let me just not that I have never tried it and most likely never will. Not because I am uptight but more or less because I am afraid I would either a) have some kind of weird deadly reaction or b) become an instant addict! It was kind of obvious that it made no difference if I was there or not. I told him he could stay at unnamed friends place but I was going back to the hotel. They eventually talked me into hanging out, they did lines, the friend got weird all of a sudden and demanded us to leave, had some of the best sex we have ever had and then proceeded to get along the rest of the trip. We did discover LPSteamers, a whole in the wall crap place that was pretty cool but of course we had a fight and I ended up crying on my blue crabs. We also found this strange secret record store that you had to do down this narrow path between two houses to get to and go semi into a basement. Very cool. When I got back I verified with him that we are still friends and it is over but we continued to talk as friends every nite for over an hour....still no real release.

Ours in Studio 104.5/Show w/ Fuel-So we have made it to May, unfortunately this seems to be when 2008 really got started ;-) Radio 104.5 had an In Studio Session with Ours and their single Worst Things Beautiful was getting some airplay. They were about to start a huge summer tour that I would be their travel manager for and Charlene got me an invite to the studio. I went on my own and it was a pretty rare experience. There were about 10 of us in studio and Jimmy did 4 songs. After wards I stood and talked to April and Loche as Jimmy signed posters for the fans. He came over and hugged me and handed me the poster he had done for me which reads "Heather, Thank You for all of your help and actually making it possible for us to tour! We Love You. Jimmy" This meant the world to me. That night was the first nite that April walked me, and Victoria and Charlene backstage. To a small hot room with just family and close friends. It felt awkward at first but I am used to it now! I am so thankful for being a part of this band even if it is a small's a start.

Vic’s going away party-My friend Victoria spent 3 months in her homeland of Argentina but before heading south she threw a great backyard party---who knew it would be like 40 degrees in May! I played beer pong for the first time and did pretty f-ing good for a virgin. Vic was pretty drunk and kept saying "It's my party!" We fought over music all nite and kept switching between everyones ipod, We had Bat's try to attack us and Jamie turned into batgirl to protect us. Mike was drunkenly hitting on Lucy and Vic had two boys that she liked at the same party....pretty funny interesting nite!

Marilyn Manson Show-My man Jimmy Gnecco and OURS somehow got paired up with Marilyn Manson and opened for them for a small tour. Lets just say whoever decided that Manson fans would like OURS was definitely on crack at the time. Talk about a fucked up bunch of followers. There were people with collars and fake blood and honestly representing ones self with a certain style is pretty cool to me but when Manson is spitting on you and you rub it into your skin or he puts his hands down his pants then touches your face....that dedication is something I just can't revel in. Not to mention the fact that they heckled Jimmy and called him gay. I had to speak up and have some words with a loser next to me that was talking shit about my music and I almost threw punches. I am not joking. I almost knocked out some poor mindless 17 year old Manson know what I should have hit that bastard now that I think about it!

4th of July and nites at the HP w/ M-In April I hired someone at work and, in my eyes at least, we became instant friends. We both had the NYC dream and a sick love for music. It was probably the most unprofessional interview I've ever had because all we really did was talk about bands and music in general, then I made him lunch and gave him the employee rate. Even though I had promised myself I wouldn't cross the manager/employee line as far as being friends outside of work, with him I couldn't help it. He has this electric personality that is somewhat addictive, to be honest I think I was going through Ex problems the 1st month he worked there so the addiction didn't start instantly. Around summertime we started to talk about getting a place in Brooklyn together and it seemed like finally my NYC dream was gonna happen. We started to look for apartments and jobs and we started to hang out outside of work. And at work I had a blast with him. I loved getting up and going to work-just cause I knew I would be laughing all nite. At some point my obsession with being friends and spending time with him and our constant texting grew into something else for me and it really shouldn't have. He's 23 for starters....and I honestly think now the only reason I started to like him was because I knew he didn't want me. It's this awful problem I have. I could meet a guy I am not physically attracted to, he could be an asshole, he could have a girlfriend, but if he has some sort of music connection with me and is not interested in me suddenly I have to have him. And with M it wasn't a physical thing for quite awhile. For some reason he always ended up in my dreams. Most of them were fairly innocent and if they included anything sexual it would just be kissing. So as much as I tried to hide my feelings I think my jealousy clued him in. He started to hang out with other people at work and it was making me crazy jealous. He never did anything wrong, we would stay in the same room with each other, double beds, and watch movies and talk about my self esteem. He was a great friend....that I wanted to kiss. We went to Staten Island with Vera and Fil with intentions of going into the city to watch the fireworks 4th of july and we ended up being stuck on that side of the water and leaving early to hang out in our room. We watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall at least three times and we stayed at the hotel from July 3rd to the 6th I think. It was all very fun and innocent. He also came with me in August to see Radiohead.....and trust me nothing ever happened. Nothing was even close to happening but I started to like him more than the healthy secret crush and things went bad. We are still cool with each other but for a good 2 months we barely spoke. My boss even set us down separately and said people were jealous of our friendship and getting the wrong idea. A girl he liked at work thought we were sleeping together, along with a few other people so we started to hang out less and less. He has a girlfriend now, and I am completely over it. In fact now that I look back i never wanted to be his girlfriend, I just wanted to be one of his closest friends. I saw how he hardly ever let people in and felt pretty fucking special that he let me in(even though he regretted it and slowly pushed me out) I will never forget him though, I really am so glad to have had him as a friend in my life and I think he changed me for the better.